Saturday, April 18, 2009


                                                 As environmentalists have pointed out, it can be as dangerous to be outdoors behind a city bus.Walking or bicycling have been taken long to reach the destination.All the exhaust and smoke even when they have been reduced by clean air technology -- can damage a person's health.The dangers of  air pollution are of special concern to those who exercise by running, bicycling.So that many vehicles produces smoke so that it will affect our body.These individuals, while trying to help their bodies through exercise, should take care that they do not harm themselves through exposure to air pollution.If you have heart or lung disease you should  possible, exercise indoors, preferably in an air-conditioned room. If you must go outdoors, the early morning or evening is best.It will be cooler, the sun is not at its peak.Air pollutants make harmful effects on the heart and lungs.The pollutants affect the lungs by causing inflammation or irritation of the airway.The work of breathing increases and it becomes more difficult to get oxygen into the body.Carbon monoxide arises from cigarette smoke and automobile exhaust.So go in the early morning for a walk so that it will be very good for health.

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